Downers Grove Taxi provides local service both ways between Downers Grove and Lisle, IL. We serve all the popular destinations in Lisle including the Lodge at Four Lakes, Nel's Old time Inn, Downtown Lisle, Navistar corporate campus, Central Park of Lisle, Mullens Bar and each and every residential and Commercial address in Lisle.
Here are some recent fare estimates between Lisle and Downers Grove. Please note these estimates will vary from your actual fare depending on route taken, traffic lights encountered, and any stops made. The estimated rate in the opposite direction should be about the same.
Downers Grove ( Maple Ave and I-355) to Four Lakes Lisle : $10-$12
Downers Grove ( Ogden Ave and Fairview Ave) to College Rd / Green Trails Lisle : $19-$22
Downers Grove ( Good Samaritan Hospital ) to Navistar Corporate Campus 2701 Navistar Dr Lisle : $16-$18
Downers Grove ( Marriott Hotel 1500 Opus Pl ) to Mullens Bar Lisle : $15-$17
Downers Grove ( Midwestern University ) to Downtown Lisle : $16-$18